Pixelmator ipad tutorial pro#
I like to create artwork rom scratch and have all of the major programs (like Phosotshop, Illustrator, Painter, Sketchbook Pro and Pixelmator).
Pixelmator ipad tutorial software#
I also have the Pixelmator Pro software but find the user interface to be far inferior to the classic. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program to no avail. If you try and sharpen a layer it works until you clock OK then the layer completely vanishes. Now most of the tools for doing sharpening are not completely broken. I cannot recommend this software until they fix it. Another issue is if paste a new image then crop it then copy and past it into another image, you don't get the crop, you get the whole image again even though it was cropped before being copied.

For some reason the program adds a big white space at the top of new images. For example, if you past a new layer image and adjust its opacity then rotate and resize it, it will all of a sudden return to the normal size when you try to readjust the opacity. So - I suggest some sort of prompt if possilbe when updating it from the App Store "Updates" tab. That's great, but you have to visit the software page to see that. I see now that there is an "upgrade bundle" which saves you a few bucks on Pro if you already have Pixelmator. But never has my version of Pixelmator said "Hey - there is a new version! Go try it out!" etc. I saw a link over on MacStories to Pixelmator Pro and thought "That looks much better than what I have." And it appears to be. I was too impatient to learn a new interface and so have stuck with the software that rhymes with Hobo Hop. Pixelmator is great for the majority of imagery tasks the majority of people need to do. Not sure I can put other products in here, so let's just say I use products from the big A company, but needed something to use on personal and family machines. I bought Pixelmator years ago (2015) and it is a good product based on what I've seen and my daughter's experience. Been great the past 4 years - ready to move on to Pro